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(985) 873-8586

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(985) 447-2225

Knee Pain FAQs

If you walk, run, climb stairs, or just stand, it’s hard to ignore persistent knee pain. There are several possible causes of your discomfort. The good news is that most knee pain can be effectively treated once the cause is determined. Your first step might be this brief overview of the symptoms, possible causes, and treatment options.


Why am I experiencing knee pain?

Your knee takes a beating with every step you take, so there are numerous ways it can experience injury. It can be caused by sudden impact such as a sports injury, or it could be a debilitating condition that develops over time. Knee pain can also be caused by underlying conditions such as arthritis, bursitis or tendinitis.

Runners and other weekend athletes can develop knee pain because of the stress of impact on their knees, leading to injuries ranging from sprained ligaments to torn ACL.

The aging process can lead to degenerative issues simply from the wear and tear the knee undergoes repeatedly. The heavier a person is, the more stress he or she places on the knee with every step.

Chiropractic issues can also result in knee pain. For example, if you’re experiencing back stiffness or lower back pain it might cause you to compensate by adjusting your stride and placing more impact on one or both knees.

What is the expected range of pain from disorders of the knee?

Your knee pain might range from slight soreness after physical activity to searing pain with every step you take. If you lead an active lifestyle, you might wake up often with soreness of the knees or suffer the occasional twinge of pain. Often, treatment is as simple as a couple aspirin or ibuprofen to reduce swelling. At other times, the pain can be constant and severe.

When is it time to seek treatment?

If you think your knee pain might be caused by over-exertion, try scaling back. If you’ve run ten miles a day for decades, your body might be telling you it’s time to cut your distance in half and run every other day. See if the pain is reduced or goes away with less activity.

It’s when pain is constant or particularly sharp that it’s time to consult a doctor. Another way of looking at it is whether the knee pain impacts your life or lifestyle. Do you have a hard time walking? Do you have to sit after standing for a few minutes? Is jogging a pursuit of the past? Is it a major undertaking simply getting out of bed in the morning? Definitely seek treatment.

Can knee pain be treated through chiropractic care?

Our licensed chiropractor can treat a range of conditions leading to knee pain. The first step at Houma-Thibodaux Spine & Rehabilitation is to ask questions, gain better insight into what might have led to the injury and diagnose the condition.

Chiropractic treatments might include soft tissue massage of the affected area or icing to reduce swelling. Your chiropractor might show you corrective exercises you can do at home to strengthen your injured knee to reduce the stress.

If it’s a skeletal alignment issue placing more pressure on your knees, spinal manipulation might correct the underlying problem. Nutritional counseling can be offered if excess weight has caused or contributed to your knee disorder.

And finally, your Houma-Thibodaux chiropractor will refer you to a specialist in another area of medicine if the source of your knee pain is beyond chiropractic treatment.

The first step is your appointment. Call our Houma office at (985) 805-8210 or our Thibodaux office at (985) 531-5813. Or request an appointment online.   


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